Young Adult Ministries – YAMS

Age 18-35
The Young Adult Ministry focuses on the unique concerns of young adults who must negotiate their lives in a diverse social and cultural environment. To develop programs, projects, seminars, workshops and events, which provide opportunities for young adults to encounter Biblical teachings, spiritual growth development, faith formation and the history and traditions of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.
Takes serious the call of Christ to make disciples – that is persons who are willing to live the life which Christ has set before us. Seek to:
Assures full participation in the Church School program
Celebrates and/or observe the appropriate Connectional Days
Celebrates the Christian Year and participate in the Christmas, Lent and Easter observances
Fosters programs designed to meet their life-situation needs such as:

Dating and Courtship (A Christian approach)
Christian Marriage
Christian Stewardship
Family Enrichment
Managing financial resources
Conflict resolution
Christian decision-making in a non-Christian workplace
Singles and Single-parent living
Time management

Chairperson:  Linda Vinson

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