Steward Ministry


The Steward Ministry consists of persons nominated by the pastor and confirmed by the Quarterly Conference.

Stewards are:

1 Persons of solid piety.

2 Persons who both know and Love the Methodist doctrine and discipline.

3 Persons of good natural and acquired ability to transact the temporal business of the church.


  1. To work in conjunction with the stewardess to make an estimate of appropriations for the pastor which includes salary, pension, travel allowance for automobile, travel expenses for meetings, housing (or housing allowance), medical hospital insurance, and a paid time of personal leave, where applicable and agreed upon.
  2. To keep an accurate account of the money collected and spent by the church, offering a monthly report the Church Conference and regular report to the Quarterly Conference.
  3. To share their ministries with the needy and the distressed by seeking them out and by providing for them.
  4. To seek out the sick and to inform the pastor of those who are sick.
  5. To inform the pastor of members who are disorderly, both as to who they are and what the charges are concerning them.
  6. To attend all official meetings of the church.
  7. To give advice in planning the work of the church.
  8. To attend committee for the application of money to churches.
  9. To give counsel in matters of arbitration.
  10. To provide elements for the Lord’s Supper.
  11. To solicit and receive money quarterly, if necessary, and as a means for encouraging members to contribute, write letters to the members.
  12. To provide quarterly and yearly giving statements to the members.
  13. To assist in collecting the apportionments assessed to the charge.
  14. In the absence of a pastor or supply pastor, to provide a means for collecting the Apportionments assed to the charge.
  15. The Recording Steward shall make a financial report to the Quarterly Conference so as to keep the members informed about the finances of the charge.
  16. The Recording Steward shall provide an annual financial report of the income and expenditures of the church to the Joint Board of Finance of the Annual Conference.
  17. The Recording Steward shall receive from the Treasurer copies of receipts and bank deposit slips and other related informational materials.

Chairperson: Rebecca Vinson

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